

So tonight was homecoming! It was sooo much fun! we had a balst first of all yesterday was the homecoming game but before the game we had a pep rally and thats were they annouced the homecoming royalty! No I didn't make the queen spot but the girl who got it is a great girl! Her name is Morgan she's a cheerleader and she's so super nice! I'm glad she won! I am the 1st attendent with James "Mallow" Mangum who is such a cool guy super funny! Its great I am so happy that I made it into the royalty and have a crown to wear lol its great! and way so yah tonight was the dance and my group went out to dinner at Sizzlers which was delicious!!! and then to the dance which was a blast there was a great turn out, it was packed tight and the decorations were beautiful! anyway heres the pictures of my homecoming T-Shirts and of the pep rally annoucement thingy and the game and the before dance pictures! enjoy!

oh and P.S. Monday= Hawaiian Day
Tuesday= 70's/Disco Day
Wednesday= Rockstar Day
Thursday= 60's Day (I didnt take a picture of that cause it was a dumb shirt i didnt like how it turned out I got mad at it so it was terrible! no peace love or happiness making that shirt lol)
Friday= Spirit Day (I wore my red poka dot shirt! so cute!)


Melissa and Michael said...

super duper cute. Congrat's again.

Brittany Nicole said...

I have pictures from my house if you want them.