
The SENIOR Year Begins!

Hey Hey Hey so today was the first day of my SENIOR year! yeah baby! It's totally awesome! we are on an AB day schedule and today was A day for my A day classes I had:

A1- Adult Roles: This is were we learn about all the stuff that you need to know when you become an adult... hence the name lol. like family, communication, finance, marriage, dating, and other stuff yeah need to know!

A2- Office Aid for Mrs. Merellie: I wasn't going to have a class that period but it was boring just hanging' out in the library so I decided to get in line to find a class, that's when Mrs. Merellie found me and said that she needed an office aid so I agreed and I am know signed up! She's a cool lady her daughter Ms. LaRae (now Mrs. Anderson, oh PS. LaRae is her middle name.) was my dance teacher last year! she was the best ever! I am sad that she left!

A3- Student Government: Yes I am in the Student Government, I am the Senior Senator which is totally cool, everyone on student gov. is amazing! During this class we plan and get things together that we will be doing that week and month and stuff! Its awesome and so much fun! I am so glad I decided to do Student Gov. this year!

A4- Seminary: this is my class that is kind of like a relief, an escape from the school work and homework. Were I can just study the gospel, its so nice I love the kids in my class, and I love my teacher he's funny and nice, and totally spiritual, its going to be a great class!

A5- Geometry: Yes I am taking geometry, I'm not to smart when it comes to math stuff so i had to take Algebra 1 twice so yes I am a little behind in my math classes but hey its better to know it and get it right the second time then trying to fake your way through a class you don't understand, and I'm cool with it. Oh and I am the only SENIOR in that class, lol its great fun! The teacher is new this year and he seems like a pretty cool guy, but we'll see how things go. He had a stroke so his whole right side cant be used, he just barely got it strong enough to walk on so he can get around but it has taken him a long time, that's pretty sad but like I said he's a pretty cool guy!

anyway that's all my classes for A day, and a brief introduction of what they all do! It was so great to go back to school and see all my friends and teachers again! I am actually really excited to be back, crazy right I know, I think it's just cause I am a SENIOR cause any year before this I would hate to go back to school haha oh well I'll keep ya posted! and I will have pics for ya tomorrow!